Modern "Daybreak" artwork printed under glass, features a serene scene with a reclining woman and a standing girl set against rolling hills, a tranquil body of water, and classical architectural elements. The sky transitions from night to dawn, bathing the landscape in soft, luminous light. Parrish's use of vibrant colors, especially his signature "Parrish blue," and his meticulous glazing technique create a dreamlike, ethereal atmosphere.
The painting symbolizes innocence, purity, and renewal, capturing a timeless beauty and sense of hope. "Daybreak" by Maxfield Parrish is an iconic painting that epitomizes Parrish's unique style, characterized by vibrant colors and dreamy, idealized landscapes. Created in 1922, "Daybreak" has become one of the most celebrated and reproduced American artworks of the 20th century. In summary, "Daybreak" by Maxfield Parrish is a masterpiece that captures the essence of his artistic vision.
Mesurments: 38" x 26" in frame
United States, 1980